1980   1st  Paralympics

ParaVolley induction  into  Internationale Volleyball Hall of Fame class 2022

Tens of thousands of dedicated volleyball fans from 56 countries cast their vote for the Class of 2022!
see the Hall of Fame page here

May 5, 1956  -   May  5,  2024    69 Year SittingVolleybaLl    

Read on this website the miraculous and unique development of a special Dutch sport that has become so explosively popular. A sport that gives everyone the opportunity to develop and strengthen his or her physical capabilities. A sport that gives everyone a chance to exercise despite a disability.  This Sport started in 1956 in Haarlem and has been popular worldwide since 1980 .
History > World ParaVolley    and   pg.sittingvolleyball.info

April 24  World  Sitting Volleyball  Day

On April 24, 1981, 10 European countries decided to adopt the Dutch Sitting Volleyball  as an International sport. In 2020, sitting volleyball was voted as the most popular sport,  by the world wide Paralympic athletes . The Board of World ParaVolley decided in 2020 that April 24 will be celebrated annually in the form of

  "  World ParaVolley Day ".       See here the  WPV Awards

May- 5-1956 Amsterdam

May 5, 1956 in Olympic Stadium Amsterdam with 25,000 spectators.
The first public demonstration of Sitting Volleyball. Mr Tammo van der Scheer as referee. An unbroken spectator record in one game.
1956 The Designers of Sitting Volleyball
Anton Albers(28-01-2015) and Tammo van der Scheer, both gentlemen members of the sports committee of the BNMO, designed the Sitting Volleyball game and were also the founders of a new National Sitting Volleyball competition in the year 1956 - 1957. On May 5, 1956, Sitting Volleyball was introduced with a demonstration in Amsterdam. Subsequently practiced nationally as a new sport by many associations.   Read the story

1980 Arnhem

Sitting Volleyball amazes the International Volleyball World


Induction into the

International Volleyball Hall of Fame, class 2022!!

This is in recognition of  many years of national and international commitment and work for Para volleyball.  Several Dutchmen preceded in Indoor Volleyball, such as Ron Zwerver, Peter Blangé , Bas van der Goor and Joop Alberda. Peter Murphy of the Nevobo has also been nominated  and Pieter Joon as ParaVolley Leader.
Sitting volleyball in the Hall of Fame look at www.volleyhall.org
Sitting Volleyball has definitely a place among all Volleyball Heroes.
Radio interview

1956 --2025     sittingvolleyball

Quote of the day

                  "    Sport is not a privilage   of  the healthy person     "


Send in your personal Quote for Sitting Volleyball

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1945  - 1955
After the 2nd World War, many rehabilitation centers played all kind of  ball Sports as rehabilitation
1956 - 1959
2 Sports leaders of the BNMO developed  Sitz ball into a new sport Sitting Volleyball. Volleyball but sitting down.
1960 - 1966
A  National Fedration "NIS' is founded and the first lustrum events are organised.
1967 - 1969
The first National Teammeeeting in Germany. The nationalcompetition grows to 36 participating teams.
1970 - 1975
MGS organizes the first International Sitting Volleyball Tournament for National Teams. Netherlands wins all matches
1976 - 1978
Sitz ball is not recognized Paralympic. No uniform rules and classifications. Possible candidate for the 1980 Games
Haarlem (NED) . First Internationally Recognized and Pre Paralympic Tournament  Sitting Volleyball with 8 National Teams
A meeting of participating Countries decides to play International Sitting Volleyball and to appoint an International Committee.
First European Sitting Volleyball Championship in Bonn (GER). Founding of an International Organisation Volleyball Disabled
1982 - 1985
The World Cup 1985 brings Iran as the new champion. The first International Sitting Volleyball Seminar in the  Netherlands
1986 - 1987
Joon wants a  better integration and responsibilities for the National Sports Federations. Socially important role
The final Ned vs Iran in Korea was again an advertising for Sitting Volleyball.  Cooperation with the IOC became visible in Korea
A special World Cup. In a Congress Hall in Las Vegas and Iraq as a new member. Also the First sports contact between USA and Iraq after the War in Middle East
An extra World Championship in Assen. During the WC 10 thousand visitors at Sitting Volleyball. Assen turns orange
Wonderful Games in Barcelona, with a special meeting with Antonio Samaranch IOC who was very interested in Sitting Volleyball
1st EC Women . The Dutch team becomes Champion in '93, '94, and '95.  WOVD publishes its new  Magazine.
Albers, vd Scheer, Hoogeveen and Softley receive the "honorary member" Award of the WOVD during the 40th anniversary of KIS. (The Netherlands).
1997 - 1998
During the EC Women's European Championships of the CEV, the Women's Sitting Volleyball received an invitation to play a demonstration before the final match.
The Tubanten win the Euro Cup. club teams. WOVD registers Women's Sitting Volleyball for Paralympics.
The Dutch Women become World Champion. The men's 6th in the Paralympics

The Dutch Women's Team has been nominated for the sports team of the year award.
The Dutch Women become World Champion. Pieter Joon steps down as President of the WOVD
In Finland the Dutch Women become European Champion and go to NOC*NSF gala evening again
The Dutch Ladies seize gold again in Athens and receive a lot of support from enthusiastic supporters
2005 - 2006
25 Years of WOVD   Several people receive an Award. Here Joseph Banfi.  Integration with Nevobo isa festive event
2007 - 2008
Volleyball Gala. Petra Westerhof and Pieter Top named the best Sitting Volleyball players .
2009 - 2010
André Venderbosch (NED) says goodbye and shows his medals
2011 - 2012
The Paralympics, attended by Princes Margriet, she was a supporter of the Women's Team
2013 - 2014
A shock for Sitting Volleyball International is the death of Jozef Banfi. We will miss a fantastic person and inspirator
During the European Champ. in Slovenia, the Dutch Women's team finished 4th.  Zaanstad  starts with Sitting Volleyball
Tilburg wins 1st youth sitting volleyball. The Dutch Women's team is allowed to go to Brazil after all
Reunion Sitting Volleyball and Dutch Tournament Assen. Spaarne Stad goes international. Holyoke National Champion
Sitting Volleyball World Championships in the Netherlands. The ladies Stinissen and Van Marum receive the Golden Bond pin.
1980 - 2020
40 Years Paralympics  SittingVolleybal. The Netherlands is the best performing country. Many Awards for Dutch people.

1956 -2021

65 jaar SittingVolleyball Netherlands

2006 - 2021  

15  Years  SittingVolleyball  Nevobo

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