2020 Sitting Volleyball most popular Sport in the Paralympics

All Paralympic athletes chose Sitting Volleyball as the most attractive and popular sport at the Paralympics in 2020

In 2022, Sitting Volleyball was inducted into the International Volleyball Home of Fame in Holyoke. Another international recognition for this special sport

This page provides an overview of  Paralympic Standing-  and  Sitting Volleyball

The Stoke Mandeville Games have been held in England every year since 1948. The impetus for these Games was given by Sir Ludvig Guttmann (neurologist), who recognized the great importance of sport for the disabled. The "Stoke Games" were initially aimed at athletes with paralysis and wheelchair users. In 1952 these Games became International through the invitation of a number of Dutch War victims . At Dr Guttmann's request, the Italian National Institute agreed that the 9th Stoke Games in 1960 would be held in Rome in the same Olympic year and city. This marked the start of a four-yearly Olympiad in disabled sports. In Rome, the para-athletes were housed in the Olympic village and sports facilities. 400 wheelchair athletes from 21 countries took part in the first Games. The Netherlands participated with 16 men and 2 women. To the surprise of many, the Olympic village turned out not to be adapted and all the rooms for the participants were on the first floor. There are no elevators in the buildings, this man-power had to be supplied by the medical staff. After Rome, the Olympiads faithfully followed the Olympic time and country schedule. 1964 Tokyo with 370 wheelchair athletes from 23 countries, 1968 Tel Aviv (instead of Mexico for medical reasons) with 750 wheelchair athletes from 29 countries, 1972 Heidelberg with 1000 wheelchair athletes from 44 countries.
View here a nice overview of the start of Sport for the disabled and the start of a Paralympic movement

1976 Toronto 3  to  11 August,  Canada

 Finally Volleyball  !
1,560 athletes from 40 countries started at this Olympiad for the disabled. For the first time, "standing" volleyball for amputees is on the program as a "demonstration" Event  with 4 teams. With this, "blind" and "amputee" athletes took part in the Olympiad for the first time. During an international "test" tournament in May in Bonn, the "Sitz, Net, Faust and Volley" ball playing countries failed to pass the Toronto Games. No uniform rules and no proper classification rules.
Israel, Finland, Great Britain and Canada played for a medal in Standing Volleyball.  Israel won the gold medal.

1980 Arnhem  21 June  to 5 July , the Netherlands

For the first time, Sitting- and Standing Volleyball is officially on the Paralympic program. The volleyball players are classified according to the international medical regulations of the ISOD. As a result of a decision by the Dutch parliament, South Africa is not allowed to participate in the Games. A total of 2500 athletes from 42 countries participated in the Olympiad in the period from June 21 to July 5, 1980. These Games were so special because for the first time 4 handicapped categories Cerebral Palsy, Amputees,  Les Autres- and the Paralysed athletes compete together in one event. It also presented additional organizational problems because no integrated programs are allowed. For each category, all events must be organized separately. The Team sports Wheelchair basketball and Volleyball were also different. Wheelchair basketball played with only paralyzed athletes and Sitting Volleyball with integrated  all other disabilities, most of which are amputees. There are 984 gold medals to be earned in no less than 697 different sports events. The medical classifications of the Sitting volleyball players cause a lot of problems. Several players are disqualified from participating in the Games by the international medical classifiers. The surprise was that Egypt entered the Games with one team competing in both Standing and Sitting Volleyball competition. Egypt withdraw its team out of the Standing competition after one match..
During a  Pre-Olympic Tournament in 1979 in Haarlem (NED) , the Sitz-ball playing countries agreed to accept the Dutch Sitting Volleyball rules in 1980 and to follow the ISOD classifications for the time being. During these Games in 1980, the countries present decided to set up an International Committee  to develop Standing and Sitting Volleyball. A very important decision was taken about Classification. The International player Classification system will not be followed. In SittingVolleyball only a minimal disability will be required.  It was the Dutchman Pieter Joon who played an important role and who took many initiatives for the future of Sitting Volleyball 
For Sitting Volleyball 7 countries have entered the competition in the Paralympics .  See competition program
For Standing Volleyball, 5 countries have entered with a final standing   : 1. Israel, 2. Poland, 3. Germany, 4. England, 5 Egypt  (EGY withdraw).

1984 Long Island (NY )  17  to  30  June,  USA

Athletes affiliated with the International Organizations ISOD, CP-ISRA and IBSA can compete in this year's " International Games "   in NY America. The wheelchair (ISMGF) organization (didn't want to cooperate with the others)  have their Games  held later in Stoke Mandeville, with financial support from the Netherlands. In NY 1800 athletes participated in 15 sports from 45 countries. The Netherlands participated with a men's team in Sitting Volleyball. 8 countries have registered for Sitting Volleyball.

The final standings in Sitting were: 1. Netherlands, 2. Germany, 3. Sweden, 4. Finland, 5. Yugoslavia, 6. Norway, 7. USA,  8. Egypt
7 countries have registered for Standing Volleyball. The final standings: 1. Israel, 2. Germany, 3. France, 4. GBR, 5. Burma, 6 USA, 7 Canada

1988 Seoul,  15  to  24 October Korea.

3,053 athletes from 61 countries participated in 16 sports.
Ten countries have qualified for Sitting Volleyball with a final score of:
1. Iran, 2. Netherlands, 3. Norway, 4. Yugoslavia, 5. Hungary, 6. Germany, 7. Sweden, 8. Korea, 9. Egypt, 10 USA .
Six countries have qualified for Standing Volleyball with a final score: 1. Germany, 2. Israel, 3. Poland, 4. Korea, 5. GBR, 6. USA

Why and how



competition program

1992 Barcelona,  3  to 14  September,  Spain

3020 athletes from 83 countries participated in 15 sports. 
12 countries have qualified for sitting volleyball, with a final score: 1. Iran, 2. Netherlands, 3. Germany, 4 . Finland, 5. Norway, 6. Hungary, 7. Sweden, 8. Egypt, 9. CIS, 10. Iraq, 11. USA, 12. Spain.
For Standing Volleyball  7 countries have qualified, with a final standings: 1. Germany, 2. Poland, 3. Czechoslovakia, 4. USA, 5. Israel, 6. France, 7. GBR.

Why and how



Competition program



1996 Atlanta,  15  to 26  August, USA

3269 athletes from 104 countries participated in 19 sports.
In Sitting Volleyball, 12 Countries are qualified with final standings:
1. Iran,  2. Noorwegen,  3. Finland,  4. Nederland, 5. Duitsland, 6. Hongarije,  7.  Oekraïne,  8. Kazahkstan, 9. Rusland,  10. Zweden, 11.  USA,  12.  Argentinië.
Eight countries have qualified for Standing Volleyball , with a final standings :
1.  Duitsland,  2. Slovakije, 3.  Polen,  4.  USA,  5. Frankrijk,  6.  Israel,  7. GBR,  8.  Czech rep.

Why and How



Competition program



2000 Sydney.  18 to 29 october,  Australia

3881 athletes from 122 countries participated in 22 sports.
12 countries have qualified for Sitting Volleyball, with a final score:
1. Iran, 2. Bosnie i H,  3.  Finland,  4.  Egypte,  5.  Duitsland,  6. Nederland, 7.  Hongarije, 8. Libie, 9.  Japan,  10.  Korea, 11.  Australie,  12.  USA.
For Standing Volleyball, 8 Countries have been placed with a final score:    1. Duitsland, 2.  Canada,  3. Slovakije, 4.  USA,  5.  Polen,  6.  Israël,  7.  Cambodja,  8. Australie
For a special decision about Standing Volleyball, see the page year 2000.

Why and How



Competition program



2004  Athene,  17 to 28 september,  Greece

The Athens 2004 Paralympic Games attracted 3,808 Para athletes (2,643 men and 1,165 women) from 136 countries.
They received 519 medals in 19 sports
Major changes have occurred in the Volleyball program of the Games. Due to a decision by the IPC, Standing Volleyball has been removed from the program due to too few continental competitions and participating countries. New to the program is Sitting Volleyball for Women. The Netherlands participates with both the women's Sitting Volleyball team. The Netherlands has not qualified for the Men's tournament.
Six countries have qualified for the women's event, with the final rankings being: 1. China, 2. Netherlands, 3. USA, 4. Slovenia, 5. Ukraine, 6 Finland.
For the Sitting Volleyball Event for men 8 nations have qualified with a final standing: 
1.  Bosnie i H,   2.  Iran,  3.  Egypt,  4.  Germany,  5.  Finland, 6.  USA,  7.  Japan,   8. Greece.

2008 Beijing van 6 tot 17 september,  China

 Er namen zo'n 4.200 sporters uit 148 landen deel aan deze Spelen.
Voor de Games waren in Zitvolleybal 8 mannen en 8 vrouwen teams  gekwalificeerd. Nederland neemt deel met een Dames team in Zitvolleybal.
Bij de vrouwen zijn het de landen met een eindstand van : 1.  CHN,  2.  USA,  3. NED , 4.  SLO, 5.  UKR,  6.  LIT, 7.  LAT,  8. JPN  De finale bij de vrouwen ging tussen China en de USA .  China won het Goud en USA het Zilver. Brons was er voor Ned  dat SLO met 3-0 versloeg.
Bij de mannen zijn het de volgende landen met een eindstand: 1. IRI,  2.  BiH, 3. RUS,  4.  EGY, 5.  CHN, 6.  BRA, 7.  JPN,  8.  IRQ

2012  Londen van 29 augustus to 9 september,  England

4200 sporters nemen deel in 20 sporten uit  164 Landen. 
Aan de 2012 Games nemen in Zitvolleybal 10  mannen  en  8 vrouwen teams deel.  Nederland neemt deel met hetvrouwen team.
Bij de vrouwen  de landen met de eindstand:   1. CHN, 2.  USA, 3. UKR, 4. NED, 5.  BRA, 6.  SLO,  7.  JPN,  8.  GBR
Bij de mannen de landen met een eindstand :  1.  BiH, 2.  IRI, 3.  GER, 4.  RUS, 5.  BRA, 6.  EGY,  7.  CHN, 8.  GBR,  9.  RWN,  10.  MOR

2016  RIO,  7 to 18 september,  Brasil

4300  sporters uit 160 landen nemen deel in 528  sport-disciplines.
Aan de Rio Games nemen in Zitvolleybal  8 mannen en 8 vrouwen teams deel.   Nederland neemt deel met het Dames Team Nl.
Bij de vrouwen de volgende Landen met een eindstand:  1.  USA, 2.  CHN, 3.  BRA, 4.  UKR,  5.  IRI,  6, NED,  7.  CAN,  8. RWN
Bij de mannen de volgende Landen met een eindstand:    1.  IRI, 2.  BiH,  3.  EGY,  4.  BRA,  5. UKR,  6,   GER,  7.  CHN,  8.  USA

2020  Tokyo.   2021.   24 August   to 5  September 2021. Japan

In deze uitgestelde spelen, door de Corona pandemie, nemen 4400 sporters deel, die om 540 medailles gaan strijden in 22 sporten.  Helaas is geen Nederlands Zitvolleybal team gekwalificeerd . Sedert de Spelen in 1980 geen Nederland op de Paralympics. Een zware teleurstelling voor Zitvolleybal spelend Nederland.
Zitvolleybal is een van de meest populaire sporten   waardoor deze  gepland is  op gezinsvriendelijke tijden om zoveel mogelijk mensen de kans te geven de sport te zien en te  beleven, via streams op internet of TV.  De voorronde voor mannen en vrouwen vindt plaats van 27 augustus tot 1 september 2021.. De mannen indeling en halve finale wedstrijden worden op 2 september gespeeld, terwijl de vrouwen  de laatste vier zullen spelen op 3 september.
De vrouwen bronzen medaille wedstrijd en de mannen medaille wedstrijden zijn gepland op 4 september, en vrouwen gouden medaille wedstrijd zal een van de hoogtepunten evenementen op de slotdag van de Paralymische Spelen op 5 september
De eindstand bij de vrouwen : 1. USA,  2. China,  3.  Brazilie,  4. Canada,  5.  RPC,  6. Italië,  7. Rwanda,  8. Japan.
De eindstand bij de mannen:  1. Iran,  2. RPC,  3. BiH,  4. Brazilië,  5.  Egypte, 6. Duitsland, 7. China,  8. Japan.

Nederlandse prestaties in  Paralympic  Zitvolleybal

10 Paralympics met  2 x GOUD,   3 x Zilver,   1 x Brons en  2  x  4de en  2x  6 de.
4de plek
6de plek
4de plek
6de plek
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