1956 - 1959
Nationaal 1956
After several demonstrations and international events, the Dutch players judged that the German "Sitz/Faust ball game" is too static and prefers more volleyball rules and techniques in the game. Two Dutch leaders in sports for the disabled started designing a new “Ball” Sport.
Unfortunately Anton Albers passed away in 2015 , with which a lot of history from the very beginning has also disappeared . Messrs Tammo van der Scheer and Anton Albers, both members of the Sports Committee for War Victims Netherlands (BNMO), introduced a new game in the Netherlands and called it "Sitting Volleyball".
The Rules of Volleyball (FIVB) , from 1952, have been adapted for a seated position on a smaller field. These sports and competitions should not only be open to war veterans, but also to disabled citizens with all kinds of other disabilities, The size of the field is a rectangle of 10 x 6 m and the height of the net has been fixed at 1.10 m. The buttocks of the player must remain on the ground when playing the ball. It was not allowed to smash with the fist for medical reasons. A promotion program has been set up and the first 5 clubs for playing "Sitting Volleyball" in competition were classified, namely; Haarlem, North Brabant, Groningen, The Hague and Leiden.
Albers and van der Scheer were members of the Military sports committee. This Committee stimulated many sports activities, including Table tennis, badminton, archery, wheelchair basketball, Sitzball, etc. So first all BNMO members were encouraged to set up their own association locally. Sitz/faust ball was played in the Aardenburg rehabilitation center [in Doorn] and Albers injected it there with volleyball components. This was chosen as a game for the newly established associations and after that the rules of the game were made equal to the rules of the Nevobo as much as possible. They were able to offer these Game Rules to all members via the BNMO. After some practice matches against a number of clubs, they publicly announced Sitting Volleyball on May 5, 1956, during a major Sports Manifestation in the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam. After this, no more Zits ball was played in the Netherlands, but the associations joined the Military group in a SittingVolleyball competition.
The designers of Sitting Volleybal founded the club "Kennemer Invaliden Sportclub" (KIS) in Haarlem in February 1956 and became a playing member.
At the end of 1955, Van der Scheer was approached in Haarlem by Anton Albers and 2 more members of the BNMO (Association of Dutch Military War and Service Victims). They wanted to set up an association in Haarlem and asked him if he wanted to train the members. At that time, all kinds of sports were stimulated by the BNMO, including that Faust ball. Many BNMO members in Kennemerland were looking for an association to exercise weekly. The result was that on February 1, 1956 we founded the association KIS, Kennemer Invaliden Sportclub, in Haarlem. Training was held on Thursday evening in Haarlem in the van der Leijschool and the competition games were played in the gym of the Koude Horn barracks in Haarlem.
1956, 5 May, Amsterdam.
During the National Liberation Day, the BNMO organized a National Sports Festival in the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam. In addition to a few other sports, Sitting Volleyball was demonstrated for the first time.
The team of Amsterdam plays against the team of KIS Haarlem, where about 25,000 spectators witnessed a new Dutch sport and also a World record 25,000 spectators at a game of Sitting Volleyball.
The referee is Tammo van der Scheer, the designer of the game
a good warming-up was already part of that, of course
1956, 22 September , Aardenburg. Aan de Nationale eindronde Zitvolleybal nemen 5 Teams deel. Aan het eind van de dag is het Team KIS uit Haarlem als eerste geeïndigd,
1. KIS, 2. Noord-Brabant, 3. Groningen, 4. Den Haag en 5. Leiden.
1956 "KIS Haarlem"
The first Dutch SittingVolleyball Champion with the designers (r) sitting Albers en Van der Scheer.
Nationaal 1957
1957 September . De landelijke competitie is opgezet in 2 afdelingen van 6 teams. De 2 beste teams van elke afdeling gaan naar de eindronde voor het kampioenschap.
Haarlem tegen Leiden . Eén van de eerste wedstrijden in de nieuwe competitie.
1957 Aardenburg de eindronde Nationaal Kampioenschap De indeling van de 2 afdelingen is als volgt: Afdeling A : Groningen 1, Groningen 2, Haarlem, Leiden 2 , Den Haag 1, Amsterdam. Afdeling B : Bergen op Zoom, Eindhoven 1, Eindhoven 2, Den Haag 2, Leiden 1, Tilburg . De winnaars van de Afdelingen A en B speelden om de Kampioens beker Dat werden Groningen (van A) en Bergen op Zoom (van B) . Groot gejuich ontstond toen Groningen op overtuigende wijze wist te winnen van de Brabanders
1957 Kampioen Groningen, met in hun midden de radio reporterDick van Rijn.
Nationaal 1958
10 mei 1958 Aardenburg . Nationale eindronde Voor Kampioenschap wordt gespeeld tussen de nummers 1 en 2 van de beide Landelijke Afdelingen A en B. Dit waren in A: KIS en Groningen en in B: de Krabben en Leiden. Er werden weer kruis wedstrijden gespeeld. KIS tegen Leiden 2-1 en Groningen tegen de Krabben werd ook 1-2 . De laatste en kampioenswedstrijd de Krabben tegen KIS werd uiteindelijk gewonnen door KIS Haarlem.
Helaas verongelukte één van de auto's van KIS op de terug reis naar Haarlem. Daarbij kwam de chauffeur om het leven en belandden de aanvoerder Guus Rooyers en speler JohnKoch in het ziekenhuis.
Leeuwarden. De gehandicapten sportvereniging "Door Ontspanning Valide" (D.O.V.) werd in 1958, op initiatief van de Bond voor Nederlandse Militaire Oorlogsslachtoffers (B.N.M.O.), opgericht. D.O.V. heeft momenteel ca. 300 leden. D.O.V. heeft twaalf sportafdelingen. Onze vereniging heeft een eigen clubhuis, met daar tegenaan gebouwd een sportzaal. De accommodatie is gevestigd aan het Kalverdijkje 77-b (achter het zwembad Kalverdijkje), te Leeuwarden. Er worden regelmatig bingo- en muziekavonden verzorgd. Ook hebben we een eigen clubblad "De Schakel". Het clubblad verschijnt 4 keer per jaar en bevat nieuws van alle sportafdelingen.
Internationaal 1958
1958 Wesel (Germany).
The KIS ( Haarlem) received an invitation to come and play in a tournament in Wesel (Ger) . This is the first sports meeting between clubs after the World War II.
The Sitz ball rules in Germany were leading. It was an exciting step for the KIS players to accept the invitation. The tournament was very successful and the players went home with enthusiastic and warm feelings with that the German club has offered them.
Nationaal 1959
23 mei 1959 Nationale Kompetitie Door de toename van clubs ( 23 teams) waren er 3 landelijke afdelingen gecreëerd De eerste 2 van de landelijke afdelingen zijn geplaatst voor de eindronde. Dit waren de teams van Eindhoven, Leiden, Utrecht, KIS, de Krabben en Groningen. Dit gaf aanledining tot de volgende wedstrijden : Eindhoven-Leiden 2-0, Utrecht-KIS 0-2, Leiden Groningen 1-2, Groningen-Eindhoven 0-2, Urecht - Krabben 0-2, KIS- Krabben 1-2 . De Nationale finale om het Kampioenschap tussen de Krabben en Eindhoven wordt gewonnen door EGS uit Eindhoven. De nieuwe Kampioen 1959